Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet

Michelle Stern is the woman responsible for my child uttering these words,

"Will you call Dad and ask him to pick up some kale on his way home?"  

Yes. My child. Said. Those. Words.   All thanks to Michelle's Kale Chips.

So, when Michelle asked if I would like to try a recipe from her new book, The Whole Family Cookbook,  and share it with you on the blog, I said, "sure!"   (And flipped straight to the dessert section.)
The Whole Family Cookbook is perfect if you want to get your kids involved in the kitchen.  I think my favorite part of the book is how Michelle has each recipe's steps color coded for different aged helpers.

The book also contains lots of "green" tips, tips on eating healthy and local, and I'm guessing she probably wouldn't be happy to know I like canned frosting.  I think the kale chips balance that out.

But, anyhoo...

Michelle's Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet is super tangy and really refreshing in the warmer weather we've been having here in Texas.  Kiddo & I both love lemon...and the combination of the lemon and buttermilk really packs a tart punch!  And it couldn't be easier to make.

Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet
{directions slightly adapted from The Whole Family Cookbook}

4 c. buttermilk
4 large lemons
1/2 c. sugar

Pour the buttermilk into a large bowl.

Zest the lemons and set the zest aside.  Juice the lemons to measure 1/2 cup.

Add the lemon juice and sugar to the buttermilk; whisk to combine.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes to chill and let the sugar dissolve.

Pour the mixture into the (prepared/frozen) bowl of an ice cream maker.  Process according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5-10 minutes before the sherbet is finished, add the zest.

Once finished, pour into an airtight container and place in the freezer for 2 hours to firm up.  At the point the sherbet is scoopable and creamy.
(Kiddo & I loved it this way.  Goofy face optional.)

After several hours, or overnight, the sherbet becomes more like a sorbet....icier.  If sorbet is your favorite, you'll love it this way.  Take it out of the freezer and let sit for 15-20 minutes to make it easier to scoop.

Guess what?  Michelle was nice enough to offer a copy of her book to a Bake at 350 reader!  To enter, leave a comment answering the question, giveaway closed...congrats, Erica!!!

"What is your favorite warm weather sweet treat?"

And, PLEASE, please leave a way to contact you in your comment.  Make sure your name links to an email or blog where I can contact you, or leave your email in your comment.

***Oh! And since I've had a couple people are emailed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  Usually a week...or two...or FIVE....when I remember...I will update the original post with the winner's name.  Sometimes I forget.  I'm sorry!  I PROMISE I am not hoarding the giveaway prizes! ;) I'm just forgetful when it comes to updating those posts.***
Random winner will be chosen Thursday, April 21st at 8pm CST.  Good Luck!

Congrats, Erica!